♥ "Boyer-Modern Experimental Biochemistry 3e","","","","E-Book"
♥ "Garrett and Grisham-Biochemistry 2ed","","","","E-Book"
♥ "Hiram F. Gilbert-Basic Concepts in Biochemistry A Student's Survival Guide 2d ed","","","","E-Book"
♥ "Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer-Biochemistry 5th ed.","","","","E-Book"
♥ "Kaplan Biochemistry (2006-2007)","","","","E-Book"
♥ "Koolman, Roehm-Color Atlas of Biochemistry, 2nd Ed","","","","E-Book"
♥ "Lehninger-Biochemistry 4ed 2004","","","","E-Book"
♥ "Lubert Stryer - Biochemistry-5th edition","Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer.","","W.H.Freeman ","E-Book"
♥ "Metzler-Biochemistry The Chemical Reactions of Living Cells 2e Vols 1-2","","","","E-Book"
♥ "Murray-Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry 26th Ed","","","","E-Book"
♥ "USMLE Road Map Biochemistry","","","","E-Book"
Basic concepts in biochemistry 2ed - Gilbert,"E-Book"
Biochemistry 2ed - Garrett & Grisham ,"E-Book"
Biochemistry 3ed - Lippincott,"E-Book"
Biochemistry 3ed - Mathews,"E-Book"
Dictionary of biochemistry and molecular biology 2ed - Stenesh,"E-Book"
Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - Vol_1,"E-Book"
Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - Vol_2,"E-Book"
Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - Vol_3,"E-Book"
Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - Vol_4,"E-Book"
W. H. Freeman ISBN:0716746824 Fifth Edition - 2002 PDF 1514 pages 25.6 MB

For more than 25 years, and through four editions, Stryer's Biochemistry has laid out this beautiful subject in an exceptionally appealing and lucid manner. The engaging writing style and attractive design have made the text a pleasure for our students to read and study throughout our years of teaching. Thus, we were delighted to be given the opportunity to participate in the revision of this book. The task has been exciting and somewhat daunting, doubly so because of the dramatic changes that are transforming the field of biochemistry as we move into the twenty-first century. Biochemistry is rapidly progressing from a science performed almost entirely at the laboratory bench to one that may be explored through computers. The recently developed ability to determine entire genomic sequences has provided the data needed to accomplish massive comparisons of derived protein sequences, the results of which may be used to formulate and test hypotheses about biochemical function. The power of these new methods is explained by the impact of evolution: many molecules and biochemical pathways have been generated by duplicating and modifying existing ones. Our challenge in writing the fifth edition of Biochemistry has been to introduce this philosophical shift in biochemistry while maintaining the clear and inviting style that has distinguished the preceding four editions.
Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition
John A. Timbrell, "Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition"
Informa HealthCare 2008-11-18 ISBN: 0849373026 520 p PDF 8 Mb
This leading textbook in the field examines the mechanisms underlying toxicity, particularly the events at the molecular level and the factors that determine and affect toxicity. The new edition is updated to reflect the latest research into the biochemical basis of toxicology and the growing concerns over the adverse effects of drugs, environmental pollution, and occupational hazards. Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition thoroughly explains dose-response relationships, disposition and metabolism, and toxic responses to foreign compounds, and presents detailed examples to make the mechanisms of toxicity more accessible to students encountering the subject for the first time. Comprehensive in scope with a clear and concise approach, the text includes summary sections, questions and model answers, and thoroughly revised artwork that serves as an essential aid to learning and teaching. New to the Fourth Edition:
reorganized sections that cover basic principles followed by sections on different types of toxicity extensive use of examples throughout and numerous explanatory diagrams new material on risk assessment, export systems, oxidative stress, Thalidomide, Tamoxifen and asbestos proliferators, domoic acid, bone marrow (benzene), heart (adriamycin), blood (primaquine), biomarkers, cytochrome P450 and other enzymes, receptor mediated effects, endocrine disruption, ethanol, botox, arsenic, and more questions with answers for each chapter for review and self-checking expanded and updated chapter bibliographiesd
Biochemistry, 5th Edition, 2002-02

ISBN: 0716746840 Title: Biochemistry, 5th Edition, 2002-02
Author: Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer
Publisher: W. H. Freeman pages: 1100 PDF 26.18 MB
This is a superb book to understand the excitement in biochemistry and to understand its relevance to human health. Stryer's book presents biochemistry in a completely different manner. Instead of traditionally presenting one topic after the other, it presents each chapter giving a representative molecule or system for explanation and characterization of the material in that chapter . For example, heamoglobin and myoglobin for explaining the three dimensional structure of proteins, lysozyme and chymotrypsin for explaining enzyme action, and a host of others. Each example is critically chosen, considering its role and function in life and metabolism. This makes the matter very interesting and practical. Paralleling this are given descriptions of diseases and biochemical disorders as well as historical perspectives. The last part, molecular physiology, gives a lucid exposition of the fundamental biochemical processes in living organisms. In fact, the whole point of view in the book is a physiological one. The book is unlike Lehninger, which is essentially a traditional textbook. Even though Lehninger is great as an introductory book, Stryer is, in my opinion, the book to read if you want to learn biochemistry as a discipline which should be viewed as an exciting excursion into human metabolism and life.
Review of new edition (Berg, Tymockzo):
I had written a favourable review earlier for a previous edition of Stryer. I rest my case for the latest edition too. Jeremy Berg and John Tymoczko, both accomplished authors, join Lubert Stryer in producing this time tested and comprehensive book. If you are someone like me, who believes that enzymes and proteins are the key to understanding the mysteries of life, then this book is for you. While it may not have as much coverage of nucleic acid chemistry biochemistry as some of the other books, I believe that the next revolution in biology is going to hinge upon our understanding of SYSTEMS. And while an understanding of genes is crucial as enabling knowledge, if you really consider all the actual action that happens in biochemical systems, almost all of it is mediated by enzymes and receptors. Stryer's new edition has literally hundreds of pictures and discussions of proteins and enzymes which explain the structure and function of these magnificent biological agents. The book has still retained the concise and yet comprehensive style which made its previous edition so good. Again, the book strikes a good balance between textbook and medical biochemistry, which is its great strength. Small boxes and side discussions throw light on the most interesting events connected with drug metabolism and disease. As a side point, the discussions about nucleic acid biology which the authors HAVE included are pretty good in themselves. Biochemistry is one of the most exciting branches of scientific research. This is because first of all it is highly interdisciplinary, enjoying a wonderful synergy with organic and inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry and physics, and of course, biology. Secondly, Biochemistry is an extraordinarily dynamic subject and biochemical knowledge doubles every five years. Discoveries in biochemistry directly affect medical science. In the 21st century, it continues to promise us radical understanding into the working of life, and any good biochemistry book should ideally convey this excitement to the reader. This one does. The bottom line is, if you want to get excited about the miracle that is called life, and want to do it in a rational way, Stryer is still one of the very best. I hope it continues to be so.
MiHD MiRROR::::>http://ifile.it/dl
Basic Concepts in Biochemistry: A Student's Survival Guide

Paperback: 331 pages
Data: November 16, 1999
Format: PDF
Description: This second edition continues to innovatively review the toughest concepts in biochemistry for maximum comprehension in a short period of time. Unlike conventional texts or review books that stress memorizing facts, BASIC CONCEPTS stresses the mastering of fundamental concepts, so that the reader truly comprehends the material and feels comfortable applying it. Dr. Gilbert uses simple, jargon-free language and award-winning teaching techniques including algorithms, mnemonics and clinical examples.
Download - (1 Mb) >http://paid4share.net/file/5191/9780071356572-0071356576-rar.html
Color Atlas Of Biochemistry

Paperback: 467 pages
Data: December 2004
Format: PDF
Description: Basic biochemistry in color pictures! This book focuses on particular and fundamental aspects of human and mammalian biochemistry. Besides coverage of structure and composition of biologically relevant molecules and their metabolism, it also includes interlinking of chemical structures with biological functions, how molecules are arranged in cellular space and in the organism, and the evolution of biochemical processes.
Download - (14 Mb)
> http://paid4share.net/file/6712/9781588902474-1588902471-rar.html
Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, 2nd edition

Colleen Smith, Allan Marks, Michael A Lieberman, "Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach"ISBN: 0781721458 Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins August 1, 2004 2nd Edition 900 pages PDF English 46.5 mb
An excellent clinically based medical biochemistry book. Good examples of realistic cases.This best-selling resource utilizes a comprehensive yet practical approach that students understand. The authors present facts and pathways to emphasize how the underlying biochemistry is related to the body's overall physiological functions. Detailed case studies show students the relationship between biochemistry and clinical problems.
The Second Edition has been heavily revised with completely updated illustrations while maintaining the unique, patient-oriented approach that made the original so popular. A new CD-ROM in the back of the book features chapter-by-chapter test questions, detailed 3-D representations of enzyme structure, PowerPoint slides, and real patient stories.
Table of Contents
1 Metabolic fuels and dietary components
32 The fed or absorptive state
223 Fasting
304 Water, acids, bases, and buffers
415 Structures of the major compounds of the body
546 Amino acids in proteins
727 Structure-function relationships in proteins
928 Enzymes as catalysts
1159 Regulation of enzymes
13810 Relationship between cell biology and biochemistry
15711 Cell signaling by chemical messengers
18412 Structure of the nucleic acids
20713 Synthesis of DNA
22214 Transcription : synthesis of RNA
23715 Translation : synthesis of proteins
25816 Regulation of gene expression
27417 Use of recombinant DNA techniques in medicine
29718 The molecular biology of cancer
31719 Cellular bioenergetics : ATP and O[subscript 2]
34120 Tricarboxylic acid cycle
36021 Oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial function
38022 Generation of ATP from glucose : glycolysis
39923 Oxidation of fatty acids and ketone bodies
41824 Oxygen toxicity and free radical injury
43925 Metabolism of ethanol
45826 Basic concepts in the regulation of fuel metabolism by insulin, glucagon, and other hormones
47727 Digestion, absorption, and transport of carbohydrates
49328 Formation and degradation of glycogen
51129 Pathways of sugar metabolism : pentose phosphate pathway, fructose, and galactose metabolism
52730 Synthesis of glycosides, lactose, glycoproteins, and glycolipids
54231 Gluconeogenesis and maintenance of blood glucose levels
55632 Digestion and transport of dietary lipids
58333 Synthesis of fatty acids, triacylglycerols, and the major membrane lipids
59434 Cholesterol absorption, synthesis, metabolism, and fate
61935 Metabolism of the eicosanoids
65436 Integration of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
66837 Protein digestion and amino acid absorption
68738 Fate of amino acid nitrogen : urea cycle
69739 Synthesis and degradation of amino acids
71240 Tetrahydrofolate, vitamin B12, and S-adenosylmethionine
73241 Purine and pyrimidine metabolism
74742 Intertissue relationships in the metabolism of amino acids
76243 Actions of hormones that regulate fuel metabolism
78344 The biochemistry of the erythrocyte and other blood cells
80545 Blood plasma proteins, coagulation, and fibrinolysis
82746 Liver metabolism
84247 Metabolism of muscle at rest and during exercise 86248 Metabolism of the nervous system
88149 The extracelluar matrix and connective tissue 905
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General, Organic and Biochemistry (2003)

General, Organic and BiochemistryPublisher:McGraw Hill Language: English ISBN:0071214518 896 pages Data: 2003 PDF 7 MbDescription: The fourth edition of General, Organic, and Biochemistry is designed to help undergraduate health-related majors and students of all other majors understand key concepts and appreciate the significant connections between chemistry, health, disease, and the treatment of disease. This text strikes a balance between theoretical and practical chemistry, while emphasizing material that is unique to health-related studies.General Chemistry 1 Chemistry: Methods and Measurement 2 The Composition and Structure of the Atom 3 Elements, Atoms, Ions, and the Periodic Table 4 Structure and Properties of Ionic and Covalent Compounds 5 Calculations and the Chemical Equation 6 States of Matter: Gases, Liquids, and Solids 7 Reactions and Solutions 8 Chemical and Physical Change: Energy, Rate, and Equilibrium 9 Charge-Transfer Reactions: Acids and Bases and Oxidation-Reduction 10 The Nucleus, Radioactivity, and Nuclear Medicine Organic Chemistry 11 An Introduction to Organic Chemistry: The Saturated Hydrocarbons 12 The Unsaturated Hydrocarbons: Alkenes, Alkynes, and Aromatics 13 Alcohols, Phenols, Thiols, and Ethers 14 Aldehydes and Ketones 15 Carboxylic Acids and Carboxylic Acid Derivatives 16 Amines and Amides Biochemistry 17 Carbohydrates 18 Lipids and Their Functions in Biochemical Systems 19 Protein Structure and Function 20 Enzymes 21 Carbohydrate Metabolism 22 Aerobic Respiration and Energy Production 23 Fatty Acid Metabolism 24 Introduction to Molecular Genetics Appendixes
Ziddu > http://www.ziddu.com/download/1843539/GOAB2003.rar.html
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Clinical Biochemistry Made Ridiculously Simple

Stephen Goldberg, ?Clinical Biochemistry Made Ridiculously Simple? MedMaster ISBN: 0940780305 2001 edition (2004) PDF 93 pages 29 Mb
Focuses on the basic conceptual background of clinically relevant biochemistry for medical students and other health professionals.
Graduate students and medical students have different needs in their learning of biochemistry. Medical students often complain that their biochemistry courses do not focus on clinical relevance. This book, while not a reference book or a dissertation on all aspects of biochemistry, selects the most clinically relevant material that every clinician should know, and presents it in a way that enables the student to quickly see and understand clinical biochemistry as a conceptual whole.
Instant Notes in Biochemistry (Instant Notes)

Instant Notes in Biochemistry (Instant Notes)
Publisher:Taylor & Francis Pages:438 2005-11-10
ISBN:0415367786 PDF 3.4 MB
Instant Notes titles focus on core information and are designed to help undergraduate students come to grips with a subject quickly and easily.A major update of the highly popular second edition, with changes in the content and organization that reflect advances in the subject. New and expanded topics include cytoskeleton, molecular motors, bioimaging, biomembranes, cell signaling, protein structure, and enzyme regulation. As with the first two editions, the third edition of Instant Notes in Biochemistry provides the essential facts of biochemistry with detailed explanations and clear illustrations.
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Lehninger, Principle of Biochemistry, 3rd/4th Ed.
Stryer, Biochemistry, 4th/5th Ed.
4 Ed
5 Ed
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