Editorial ReviewsProduct
Look ahead to the future of surgery--with the first comprehensive robotic surgery reference
Representing a landmark in the medical literature, Robotic Surgery is the first complete robotic surgery sourcebook. In its pages, you'll explore the new frontiers of robotic and remote technologies, which bring us closer to the goal of achieving the benefits of traditional surgery with the least disruption to the normal functions of the human body. The authors take you through the fundamental principles of robotic surgery and provide clear instruction on their clinical application.
Up-to-date information and advice on how you can integrate robotic surgery into your clinical practice right now! Edited by experts from the Washington Institute of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery at George Washington University School of Medicine and Hospital, and authored by pioneers in the field of robotics Broad, step-by-step coverage of surgical procedures that spans cardiac, thoracic, general, and urologic surgery, encompassing everything from robot-assisted mitral valve repair to robotic gastric surgery and robotic donor nephrectomy Important focus on how the implementation of robotic surgery principles and procedures leads to improved surgical outcomes Insightful final section that examines the new frontiers of robotic surgery, including the role of robotic surgery during space exploration and the overall future of the specialty
About the Author
Farid Gharagozloo, MD, is surgeon-in-chief at the Washington Institute of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, chief of clinical cardiothoracic surgery and clinical professor of surgery at the George Washington University Medical Center, chief of thoracic surgery at Harbor Hospital Center in Baltimore, and chief of thoracic oncology at the Northern Virginia Thoracic Oncology Program in Reston.
Farzad Najam, MD, FACS, is associate director of cardiac surgery and assistant clinical professor of surgery at the George Washington University Medical Center in Washington, DC.
Product Details
Hardcover: 436 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Professional; 1 edition (October 7, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 007145912X
ISBN-13: 978-0071459129